Morbi et tellus imperdiet, aliquam nulla sed, dapibus erat. Aenean dapibus sem non purus venenatis vulputate. Donec accumsan eleifend blandit. Nullam auctor ligula

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Combined years of experience
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About Us

Xcellon Capital Advisors Limited is a non-bank Financial Advisory firm that delivers investment management, corporate finance, and infrastructure advisory services in Nigeria and West Africa. Xcellon Capital Advisors was established in 2008 with the vision to always put clients first. And since then, we have been delivering valuable services to our clients and are ready to do more. Check out our other sections to see the various services we offer, and choose the program that suits your unique needs.

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Who we are

The Xcellon Edge

Having a Financial Advisor means you do have a partner looking out for you to make sure you don’t miss something important. Without an advisor, you may never know the numerous investment opportunities you are missing. Managing your finances, raising project capital, investing in the stock market and drawing up a practical plan for achieving your financial goals is tough, especially when you do it alone. As your wealth management partners; we help manage your hard-earned assets and provide you with the best financial analytics and investment services. —we are your partner in money matters, be it personal, corporate finances, and investments. Our underlying philosophy is to combine the talents of our people with leading edge ideas to deliver actionable solutions that will help Clients achieve their investment objectives.


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happy customer worldwide
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Our Mission

To be one of the leading investment advisory firms in Nigeria and West Africa in the foreseeable future.

Core Values

Inspiration – Ingenuity – Innovation

Our Philosophy

Understand our clients’ needs and provide holistic tools & solutions based on expertise, research & technology.

implement solutions & achieve goals.